PCB Assembly FAQs

We have assembled the top most frequently asked questions received by our customers. 

Circuit Card Assembly

PCB Assembly FAQ

  • Q: 1.Who is AlteraFlex Circuits?

    Process thru Smart Engineering is the focus of Alteraflex. We specialize in doing the impossible. AlteraFlex strives to be the easiest manufacturer for engineers to work with. AlteraFlex – PCB Prototype the Easy Way!

  • Q: 2.Do you accept to assemble the boards that are not made by AlteraFlex?

    Yes, we can do that.

  • Q: 3.What files and documents do you request for my PCBA orders?

    We need Gerber files, Centroid data, and BOM for your PCBA orders. For the best possible result, please also send assembly drawings, instructions, and photos to us to avoid any ambiguous and even mistaken placement of parts.

  • Q: 4.What is Centroid?

    Centroid is the special file for assembly used for quickly programming the assembly machines. This is also known as aka Insertion, Pick-N-Place, or XY Data. Some of the CAD tools will automatically generate this file and some not, but you may need to modify the file and then generate the Centroid file. The Centroid file describes the position and orientation of all the surface mount parts, which includes the reference designator, X and Y position, rotation and side of Board (Top or Bottom). Only surface mounting parts are listed in the Centroid.

  • Q: 5.How do you request for the shipping and marking of the parts for the consigned or kitted order?

    We hope you can mark on any individual package or box with the corresponding line number on BOM, manufacturer’s part# or customer’s part#, quantities. A detailed packing list is preferred to enable us to count and check upon receipt of your parts.

  • Q: 6.What is your requirement on the parts overages for consigned/kitted PCBA?

    Proper SMT machine setup and operation require parts overages. Unused and excessive parts supplied by you or purchased by us will be packaged and returned to you with the assembled boards.

    SMT parts which are not supplied on reels should be on one continuous strip of tape.

    If you need to assemble the same SMT part in different boards, do not cut them into strips, please keep them in the continuous strip of tape or on the reels.

    Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (0603, 0805, 1206, 2225, SOT, SOD, MELF - packages) require a minimum of 50 pieces and have to exceed the required quantity by 30 pieces. (e.g.: assemble quantity 40 pieces – we will need 70 pieces – this meets our minimum of 50 pieces plus 30 pieces over assemble quantity).

    Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (0201, 0402, miniMelf, miniature packages) require a minimum of 100 pieces have to exceed the required quantity by 50 pieces. (e.g.: assemble quantity 80 pieces – we will need 130 pieces- this meets our minimum of 100 pieces plus 50 pieces over assemble quantity).

    A small number of excess(1-5 pieces based on the total quantity of assemblies) is requested for expensive parts such as IC, BGA, QFP, Connectors, etc., this will ensure smooth assembling and shipping your assembled boards on time. If you have any question or doubt, please send more extra or contact us for answers.

  • Q: 7.Can you source some parts for my assembly?

    Yes. This practice is called partial Turn-key. You can supply some parts, and we source the rest of the parts on your behalf. We will ask for your approval for anything that is not sure at our side. In case parts crossing or substitution is needed, we will again ask for your final approval.

  • Q: 8.Do you assemble BGA? Any special requirement on this?

    Yes, We have the ability to handle BGA of 0.35mm pitch with X-ray testing. For BGAs, there are two designs via on pad and via near pad connected by shorter trace. We need to tent and fill any vias near the pad of the BGAs with a solder mask to ensure the soldering quality. But for vias on pad, we need to fill via with resin to make sure good soldering quality.

  • Q: 9. How do you handle the excessive and unused parts?

    Excessive parts do exist because we will ask for some percentage of overage for consigned/kitted orders, or we will buy more for the same purpose for those Turn-key orders. You can either ask us to ship back to you these unused parts together with the loaded boards or keep them on our shelf for your next order. All up to you.

  • Q: 10.How do you quote the total price of PCBA service?

    After we receive the quote data, our sales team will give a rough idea of the cost of PCBA which include the tooling, laser-cut steel stencil, and labor. In the case of Turn-key or partial Turn-key PCBA, the cost of parts will be added.

  • Q: 11.When does the turn-time begin?

    Due to the complexity of how to determine the turn time of PCBA services, our policy is that turn-time begins immediately after all the parts and PCBs are ready and all the PCB files (Gerber files/other PCB files, etc.,) , Centroid (Pick & Place PNP file, or XY Data or files in other formats), BOM, and all other necessary data or documents/images/photos are complete for our assembly work.

  • Q: 12.Is your assembly RoHS Compliant?

    Yes. But we also offer leaded PCBA services.

  • Q: 13.Why do I need to panelize my boards?

    Panelization is needed when your PCB dimension is smaller than 50mmx100mm, or when your PCB is of any shapes (circular, or odd shape) other than rectangle, your boards must be panelized in an array for assembly. As we also fabricate your PCB for you, so once we start fabricating your boards we will have the panelization file (solder paste data), we will transfer the data to PCBA department to create the stencil to match the panelized PCB.

  • Q: 14.Why do I need to design Break-away Rails (Break-away Tabs) ?

    If the clearance between the board’s edge and copper features is less than 3.5mm (138mil), or your boards need to be panelized for some reason, Break-away rails (Break-away tabs) must be added at the two longer paralleled edges of the boards to ensure that the boards can be assembled by the machine. This enables the boards can be processed by the SMT machine.

  • Q: 15.What if I find any defects or problems after I received your assembled boards?

    If you find any defect or problem, please let us know immediately, and we will evaluate and review the problems, and we will make a decision on how to address the concern. We will either repair/rework or remake your boards. In case we need the defective boards, would issue you the RMA to send them back to us. We guarantee a functional board in your hand!

  • Q: 16.What are your PCB Assembly standards?

    IPC-A-610 Class 2.

    Class 2 and Class 3

  • Q: 17.What is your turn time on a Turn-key order?

    As we need to source all the parts for Turn-key orders, the turn time largely depends on how quick we can get all the parts. We will let you know through everyday email communications. Before all parts are ready, we will fabricate the PCBs and start to make the stencil so that we can start assembly immediately after we get the parts.

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