3 Special Reminders for PCBA

For smooth and high-quality PCB assembly, you need to keep three PCB assembly reminders in mind, including parts overage, PCB panelization, break-away tabs, and fiducial marks. Here we introduce you to all of them one by one.

PCB Assembly

Three Special Reminders for PCBA:

1. Parts Overages

Proper SMT machine setup and operation requires parts overages. Unused and excessive parts supplied by you or purchased by us will be packaged and returned to you with the assembled boards.

SMT parts which are not supplied on reels should be on one continuous strip of tape. If you need to assemble the same SMT part in different boards, do not cut them into strips, please keep them in the continuous strip of tape or on the reels.

Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (0603, 0805, 1206, 2225, SOT, SOD, MELF - packages) require a minimum of 50 pieces and have to exceed the required quantity by 30 pieces. (e.g.: assemble quantity 40 pieces – we will need 70 pieces – this meets our minimum of 50 pieces plus 30 pieces over assemble quantity).

Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (0201, 0402, miniMelf, miniature packages) require a minimum of 100 pieces have to exceed the required quantity by 50 pieces. (e.g.: assemble quantity 80 pieces – we will need 130 pieces- this meets our minimum of 100 pieces plus 50 pieces over assemble quantity).

A small number of excess(1-5 pieces based on the total quantity of assemblies) is requested for expensive parts such as IC, BGA, QFP, Connectors, etc., this will ensure smooth assembling and shipping your assembled boards on time.

If you have any question or doubt, please send more extra or contact us for answers.

2. Panelization

If your PCB dimension is smaller than 50mmx100mm, or if your PCB is of any shapes (circular, or odd shape) other than rectangle, your boards must be panelized in an array for assembly. As we also fabricate your PCB for you, so once we start fabricating your boards we will have the panelization file (solder paste data), we will transfer the data to PCBA department to create the stencil to match the panelized PCB.

3. Break-away Rails (Break-away Tabs)

If the clearance between the board’s edge and copper features is less than 3.5mm (138mil), or your boards need to be panelized for some reason, Break-away rails (Break-away tabs) must be added at the two longer paralleled edges of the boards to ensure that the boards can be assembled by the machine.

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