AlteraFlex Circuits PCB Capabilities

AlteraFlex Circuits is a professional quick-turn PCB prototyping, PCB Assembly, and low-volume production manufacturer.


We Offer a Full Range of Printed Circuit Board Capabilities to Fit All of Your PCB Needs

AlteraFlex Circuits is a professional quick-turn PCB prototyping, PCB Assembly, and low-volume production manufacturer located in China.. The information below details some of the key capabilities that AlteraFlex Circuits can offer and support today. You will find information here relating to the specific materials we can support, the PCB technologies or product types that we currently produce, as well as some of the tolerances which we can achieve.

PCB Capabilities

The first category is what we call "Quick-turn" and means we can offer Small Quantity - Quick Turn PCBs, Custom Spec - Standard PCBs,Quick-order PCB(Gerber Viewer).

PCB Capabilities

The second is our “Advanced” offering and this shows the very best that AlteraFlex Circuits can offer: Full Spec PCBs, Highly Specialized Precision PCBs, & Large Scale Production, but sometimes some plates and materials are temporarily out of stock.

Please send messages to your sales rep if your boards are beyond the capabilities listed below.

PCB Capabilities

Smart Devices

We have large customer base in these industries. Customers choose us to make their PCBs in the prototype and production stage.

PCB Capabilities


We have large customer base in these industries. Customers choose us to make their PCBs in the prototype and production stage.

PCB Capabilities

University, school and amateur

Students are our future scientists, we support them! Students and amateurs are price sensitive customers, our price guarantees they will rely on us for their PCB needs in terms of price and quality!

PCB Capabilities

Commercial, industrial and automotive

Most of our customers are in these industries. Fast response, short delivery time, professional engineering support continuously affordable price help retain and expand customer scale in these industries.


PCB Capabilities - Quick-Turn PCB

Items Manufacturing Capabilities Remarks
Number of Layers 1-10 layers For orders above 10 layers,please view the below "Standard PCB" or contact our sales rep.
Material FR-4,Aluminum For Flex, Rigid-flex, Metal-based (Aluminum etc.,), HDI, Halogen-free, High Tg, etc.,please view the below "Standard PCB" or contact sales rep.
Maximum PCB Size(Dimension) 500*1100mm (min 5*6mm) Any sizes beyond this dimension, please view the below "Standard PCB" or contact sales rep.
Board Size Tolerance(Outline) ±0.2mm/±0.5mm ±0.2mm for CNC routing, and ±0.5mm for V-scoring.
Board Thickness 0.2-2.4mm 0.2,0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4mm. Please view the below "Standard PCB" or contact us if your board exceeds these.
Board Thickness Tolerance(t≥1.0mm) ±10% Normally “+ Tolerance” will occur due to PCB processing steps such as electroless copper, solder mask and other types of finish on the surface.
Board Thickness Tolerance(t<1.0mm) ±0.1mm Normally “+ Tolerance” will occur due to PCB processing steps such as electroless copper, solder mask and other types of finish on the surface.
Min Trace 0.1mm/4mil Min manufacturable trace is 4mil(0.1mm), strongly suggest to design trace above 6mil(0.15mm) to save cost.
Min Spacing 0.1mm/4mil Min manufacturable spacing is 4mil(0.1mm), strongly suggest to design spacing above 6mil(0.15mm) to save cost.
Outer Layer Copper Thickness 1oz/2oz/3oz(35μm/70μm/105μm) Also known as copper weight. 35μm=1oz, 70μm=2oz, 105μm=3oz. Please view the below "Standard PCB" or contact us if you need copper weight greater than 3oz.
Inner Layer Copper Thickness 1oz/1.5oz(35μm/50μm) Inner copper weight as per customer’s request for 4 and 6 layers(Multi-layer laminated structure). Please contact us if you need copper weight greater than 1.5oz.
Drill Sizes (CNC) 0.2-6.3mm Min drill size is 0.2mm, max drill is 6.3mm. Any holes greater than 6.3mm or smaller than 0.3mm will be subject to extra charges.
Min Width of Annular Ring 0.15mm(6mil) For pads with vias in the middle, Min width for Annular Ring is 0.15mm(6mil).
Finished Hole Diameter (CNC) 0.2mm-6.2mm The finished hole diameter will be smaller than size of drill bits because of copper plating in the hole barrels
Finished Hole Size Tolerance(CNC) ±0.08mm For example, if the drill size is 0.6mm, the finished hole diameter ranges from 0.52mm to 0.68mm will be considered acceptable.
Solder Mask LPI Liquid Photo-Imageable is the mostly adopted. Thermosetting Ink is used in the inexpensive paper-based boards.
Minimum Character Width(Legend) 0.15mm Characters of less than 0.15mm wide will be too narrow to be identifiable.
Minimum Character Height (Legend) 0.8mm Characters of less than 0.8mm high will be too small to be recognizable.
Character Width to Height Ratio (Legend) 1:5 In PCB silkscreen legends processing, 1:5 is the most suitable ratio
Minimum Diameter of Plated Half Holes 0.6mm Design Half-Holes greater than 0.6mm to ensure better connection between boards.
Surface Finishing HASL with lead HASL lead free Immersion gold,OSP The most popular three types of PCB surface finish. Please view the below "Standard PCB" or contact us for other finishes.
Solder Mask Green ,Red, Yellow, Blue, White ,Black No extra charge (Green, Red, Yellow, Blue)
Silkscreen White, Black, None No extra charge.
Panelization V-scoring, Tab-routing, Tab-routing with Perforation (Stamp Holes) Leave min clearance of 1.6mm between boards for break-routing. For V-score panelization, set the space between boards to be zero.
Others Fly Probe Testing (Free) and A.O.I. testing(free), ISO 9001:2008 , IATF 16949, UL Certificate No extra charge.

 Advanced PCB Capabilities - Advanced PCB

Categories No. Items Normal process Medium difficulty High difficulty (Non-standard review) High difficulty (Unable to make) Remarks
Product Type 1 Multilayer PCB Layers
2 Blind and Buried Vias Anylayer HDI If meet the requirements of 2, 6, and 21 at the same time, it is classified as a high requirement product (thickness to diameter ratio, copper thickness of hole
3 Surface Coating Local immersion gold (long or short gold fingers, segmented gold finger craft) Exceed this range require unconventional production processes Partial immersion gold, thickness of gold or nickel reference to the thickness of the coating
4 Board Material FR-4;aluminum,Rogers4 series + FR-4 mixed(The Prepreg is ShengYi brand and ROGERS4403 series);CEM-3、LianMao IT158/IT180A Pure ROGERS4 series multi-layer board (Prepreg is 4450F),PTFE、aluminum+FR4、PTFE+FR4 Exceed this range require unconventional production processes Pure PTFE multi-layer board Pure PTFE can’t be made because the lamination temperature isn’t up to standard,Can‘t laminate Rogers copper foil directly
Drills 5 Drill diameter | Nc drill 0.20mm≤Drill diameter≤6.5mm More than 6.0mm using CNC milling hole diameter 0.2mm: maximum board thickness 1.6mm hole diameter diameter 0.25mm:maximum board thickness 2.0mm, hole diameter 0.3mm≤Ф≤0.35mm, maximum board thickness 3.2 mm, hole diameter 0.4mm≤Ф≤0.55mm, maximum board thickness 4.8 mm, hole diameter>0.55mm maximum board thickness 6.4 mm 6.5mm or more ±0.1mm ≤ hole diameter tolerance (using CNC milling for 6.5mm or more) The drill diameter more than 6.0mm, the hole diameter tolerance less than ±0.1mm. If exceed this range require unconventional production processes Drill diameter below 0.2mm, and the aspect ratio≥10, which is medium difficulty
6 Thickness to diameter ratio Thickness to diameter ratio≤8 8 10 Thickness to diameter ratio greater than 12 when the aperture cannot be compensated If need to meet the requirement of 2, 6, and 21, it will be treat as high requirement product.
7 a. countersink: Hole Diameter 3.0mm≤hole diameter≤6.5mm Unconventional production beyond this range Countersink depth tolerance is controlled 0.15mm
7 b. countersink: Angle 90° Unconventional production beyond this range Countersink depth tolerance is controlled 0.15m
8 Hole position tolerances ±0.075mm ±0.05mm <+/-0.05mm
9 a. PTH ±0.075mm or no customer requirements ±0.05≤ hole diameter tolerance <±0.75mm <±0.05mm <+/-0.05mm Metallized hole diameter tolerance of 6.0mm or more refers to the requirement of serial number 5
9 b. NPTH ≥±0.075mm <±0.05mm <+/-0.025mm Metallized hole diameter tolerance of 6.0mm or more refers to the requirement of serial number 5
10 a. Hole to hole spacing (component hole) ≥16MIL 14≤Hole to hole spacing≤16 13≤Hole to hole spacing≤14 <13mil
10 b. Hole to hole spacing (via(≤0.45mm)) ≥11MIL
11 a. Slot (Cut-out) Slot width Plated slot ≥0.5mm Non-plated slot ≥0.8mm More than 1.0mm, can be slot by machine
11 b. Slot (Cut-out) Length to width ratio of slot Length to width≥2 Length to width<2
12 a. Castellated Holes diameter ≥0.5mm 0.5mm>diameter≥0.4mm
12 b. Castellated Holes spacing (edge to edge) ≥0.3mm 0.3mm>diameters≥0.2mm
13 a. 4L ≥7MIL 6MIL≤isolation ring, distance<7MIL 5MIL≤isolation ring, distance<6MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
13 b. 6L ≥8MIL 6.5MIL≤isolation ring, distance<8MIL 6MIL≤isolation ring, distance<6.5MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
13 c. 8L ≥9MIL 7MIL≤isolation ring, distance<9MIL 6MIL≤isolation ring, distance<7MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
13 d. ≥10L ≥10MIL 8MIL≤isolation ring, distance<10MIL<9MIL 7MIL≤isolation ring, distance<8MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
Image Transfer 14 a. cooper thickness 18um ≥4/4 mil ≥4/3.5 mil <3.5/3 mil width/spacing
14 b. cooper thickness 35um ≥4/5 mil ≥4/4 mil <3.5/4 mil width/spacing
14 c. cooper thickness 70um ≥6/8mil ≥6/7mil <5/6 mil width/spacing
14 d. cooper thickness 105um ≥8/11 mil ≥8/10 mil <6/9 mil width/spacing
15 a. cooper thickness 18um ≥4/5 mil ≥4/4 mil or parts 3.5/3.5mil <3.5/3.5 mil Local 3.5/3.5mil, only the distance from the GBA chip area line to the PAD
15 b. cooper thickness 35um ≥5/6 mil ≥5/5 mil <4/4 mil
Categories No. Items Normal process Medium difficulty High difficulty (Non-standard review) High difficulty (Unable to make) Remarks
Product Type 1 Multilayer PCB Layers 3L≤Layers≤16L 18L≤Layers≤24L ≥24L
2 Blind and Buried Vias HDI(1+1+....+N+......+1+1) Anylayer HDI HDI(2+...+N...+2) If meet the requirements of 2, 6, and 21 at the same time, it is classified as a high requirement product (thickness to diameter ratio, copper thickness of hole
3 Surface Coating HASL(+gold finger),immersion gold, Immersion Gold +gold fingers with hard gold,OSP (+gold finger with hard gold), Immersion Tin (+gold finger with hard gold) (Not two different surface finish),Immersion Tin Local immersion gold (long or short gold fingers, segmented gold finger craft) Exceed this range require unconventional production processes Partial immersion gold, thickness of gold or nickel reference to the thickness of the coating
4 Board Material FR-4;aluminum,Rogers4 series + FR-4 mixed(The Prepreg is ShengYi brand and ROGERS4403 series);CEM-3、LianMao IT158/IT180A Pure ROGERS4 series multi-layer board (Prepreg is 4450F),PTFE、aluminum+FR4、PTFE+FR4 Exceed this range require unconventional production processes Pure PTFE multi-layer board Pure PTFE can’t be made because the lamination temperature isn’t up to standard,Can‘t laminate Rogers copper foil directly
Drills 5 Drill diameter | Nc drill 0.20mm≤Drill diameter≤6.5mm More than 6.0mm using CNC milling hole diameter 0.2mm: maximum board thickness 1.6mm hole diameter diameter 0.25mm:maximum board thickness 2.0mm, hole diameter 0.3mm≤Ф≤0.35mm, maximum board thickness 3.2 mm, hole diameter 0.4mm≤Ф≤0.55mm, maximum board thickness 4.8 mm, hole diameter>0.55mm maximum board thickness 6.4 mm 6.5mm or more ±0.1mm ≤ hole diameter tolerance (using CNC milling for 6.5mm or more) The drill diameter more than 6.0mm, the hole diameter tolerance less than ±0.1mm. If exceed this range require unconventional production processes Drill diameter below 0.2mm, and the aspect ratio≥10, which is medium difficulty
6 Thickness to diameter ratio Thickness to diameter ratio≤8 8 10 Thickness to diameter ratio greater than 12 when the aperture cannot be compensated If need to meet the requirement of 2, 6, and 21, it will be treat as high requirement product.
7 a. countersink: Hole Diameter 3.0mm≤hole diameter≤6.5mm Unconventional production beyond this range Countersink depth tolerance is controlled 0.15mm
7 b. countersink: Angle 90° Unconventional production beyond this range Countersink depth tolerance is controlled 0.15m
8 Hole position tolerances ±0.075mm ±0.05mm <+/-0.05mm
9 a. PTH ±0.075mm or no customer requirements ±0.05≤ hole diameter tolerance <±0.75mm <±0.05mm <+/-0.05mm Metallized hole diameter tolerance of 6.0mm or more refers to the requirement of serial number 5
9 b. NPTH ≥±0.075mm <±0.05mm <+/-0.025mm Metallized hole diameter tolerance of 6.0mm or more refers to the requirement of serial number 5
10 a. Hole to hole spacing (component hole) ≥16MIL 14≤Hole to hole spacing≤16 13≤Hole to hole spacing≤14 <13mil
10 b. Hole to hole spacing (via(≤0.45mm)) ≥11MIL
11 a. Slot (Cut-out) Slot width Plated slot ≥0.5mm Non-plated slot ≥0.8mm More than 1.0mm, can be slot by machine
11 b. Slot (Cut-out) Length to width ratio of slot Length to width≥2 Length to width<2
12 a. Castellated Holes diameter ≥0.5mm 0.5mm>diameter≥0.4mm
12 b. Castellated Holes spacing (edge to edge) ≥0.3mm 0.3mm>diameters≥0.2mm
13 a. 4L ≥7MIL 6MIL≤isolation ring, distance<7MIL 5MIL≤isolation ring, distance<6MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
13 b. 6L ≥8MIL 6.5MIL≤isolation ring, distance<8MIL 6MIL≤isolation ring, distance<6.5MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
13 c. 8L ≥9MIL 7MIL≤isolation ring, distance<9MIL 6MIL≤isolation ring, distance<7MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
13 d. ≥10L ≥10MIL 8MIL≤isolation ring, distance<10MIL<9MIL 7MIL≤isolation ring, distance<8MIL If the size of one side is greater than 600MM, the inner hole to line and the hole to copper spacing must be greater than or equal to 15mil. If less than 15mil, it must be treated as unconventional review. The conventional process of 10 layers or more need to be incremented by 1 mil for each additional 2 layers. Change the isolation ring to 12mil or more as much as possible
Image Transfer 14 a. cooper thickness 18um ≥4/4 mil ≥4/3.5 mil <3.5/3 mil width/spacing
14 b. cooper thickness 35um ≥4/5 mil ≥4/4 mil <3.5/4 mil width/spacing
14 c. cooper thickness 70um ≥6/8mil ≥6/7mil <5/6 mil width/spacing
14 d. cooper thickness 105um ≥8/11 mil ≥8/10 mil <6/9 mil width/spacing
15 a. cooper thickness 18um ≥4/5 mil ≥4/4 mil or parts 3.5/3.5mil <3.5/3.5 mil Local 3.5/3.5mil, only the distance from the GBA chip area line to the PAD
15 b. cooper thickness 35um ≥5/6 mil ≥5/5 mil <4/4 mil
15 c. cooper thickness 70um ≥7/8mil ≥6/7mil <5/6 mil
15 d. cooper thickness 105um ≥10/12 mil ≥8/10 mil <6/9 mil
Categories No. Items Normal Process Medium Difficulty High difficulty (Non-standard review) High difficulty (Unable to make) Remarks
Image transfer 16 a. grid trace width/spacing cooper thickness 18um ≥6/8 mil <6/7 mil
16 b. grid trace width/spacing cooper thickness 35um ≥8/10 mil <8/9 mil
16 c. grid trace width/spacing cooper thickness 70um ≥11/13mil ≥10/12mil <10/11 mil
16 d. grid trace width/spacing cooper thickness 105um ≥13/15 mil ≥12/14 mil <12/13 mil
17 a. cooper thickness 18um: via hole ≥5mil ≥4mil <3 mil
cooper thickness 18um: component hole ≥8mil ≥6mil <6 mil
17 b. cooper thickness 35um: via hole ≥5mil ≥4mil <3 mil
cooper thickness 35um: component hole ≥10mil ≥8mil <8 mil
17 c. cooper thickness 70um: via hole ≥7mil ≥6mil <5 mil
cooper thickness 70um: component hole ≥12mil ≥10mil <10 mil
17 d. cooper thickness 105um: via hole ≥8mil ≥6mil <6 mil
cooper thickness 105um: component hole ≥14mil ≥12mil <12 mil
18 a. width tolerance width tolerance:≥±20% ±10%≤ width tolerance:<±20% <±10% spacing must meet the requirements of 11 and 12, lf width is greater than 15mil, controlled by ±2.5mil
18 b. BGA pad diameter: hot air leveling (original) ≥12MIL ≥10MIL <8mil
BGA pad diameter: immersion gold (original) diameter≥11mil 8.0mil≤diameter<11.0mil <6mil
19 a. Line to board edge distance: CNC milling 0.25mm 0.20mm <0.20mm
19 b. SMT width ≥12mil ≥9mil <9mil以下 <7mil,except the binding board
Metal plating 20 a. Plating Thickness(µin) | Electroless Nickel-Immersion Gold,ENIG: Nickel thickness 100-150 µin 200 µin
Plating Thickness(µin) | Electroless Nickel-Immersion Gold,ENIG: Gold Thickness 1-8 µin >8 µin
20 b. Plating Thickness(µin) | Full board gold plating: Nickel thickness 100-150 µin 200-500 µin
Plating Thickness(µin) | Full board gold plating: Gold Thickness 1-10 µin 10-50 µin >50 µin Order center check the final price
20 c. Plating Thickness(µin) | Gold finger: Nickel thickness 120-150 µin 200-400 µin Order center check the final price
Plating Thickness(µin) | Gold finger: gold thickness 1-30 µin 30-50 µin >50 µin Order center check the final price
21 a. Hole copper thickness (µm): Through hole 18-25 µm 30-50 µm >50 µm If 2,6,19 is required to exist at the same time, it will be treated as high requirement. The thickness of the copper is 25-50UM, and the thickness of the copper is required to be 2-3OZ generally.
21 b. Hole copper thickness (µm): Blind hole (mechanical hole) 18-25 µm 30-50 µm >50 µm If 2,6,19 is required to exist at the same time, it will be treated as high requirement. The thickness of the copper is 25-50UM, and the thickness of the copper is required to be 2-3OZ generally.
21 c. Hole copper thickness (µm): Buried hole 15-25 µm 30-50 µm >50 µm If 2,6,19 is required to exist at the same time, it will be treated as high requirement. The thickness of the copper is 25-50UM, and the thickness of the copper is required to be 2-3OZ generally.
Categories No. Items Normal process Medium difficulty High difficulty (Non-standard review) High difficulty (Unable to make) Remarks
Metal plating 22 a. BOTTOM COPPER THICKNESS Inner and outer copper thickness (OZ) 0.5-4 4-6 >6
23 b. SOLDER MASK green solder mask Bridge (mil): cooper thicknesss<2OZ 4(spacing between ICs is 8 mil, green oil,variegated or black oil≥4.5mil 3-4(spacing between ICs is 7-8 mil, green oil,variegated or black oil≥4mil
23 c. SOLDER MASK green solder mask Bridge (mil): cooper thicknesss<2OZ 5 4
23 d. SOLDER MASK Plug Hole Diameter 0.20mm≤hole diameter≤0.40mm,plug hole fullness 70% 0.4mm< hole diameter ≤0.70mm fullness 100%
23 e. SOLDER MASK Plug Hole Board Thickness 0.40mm≤board thickness≤2.4mm >2.4MM
24 solder mask color Green, matt green, blue, red, black, matte black, white, yellow Special colors need to be purchased or deployed in advance
silkscreen 25 a. ETCHED SILKSCREEN (FINISHED COPPER THICKNESS) Copper thickness 18um word width/word height 8MIL/40MIL 7MIL/35MIL
25 b. ETCHED SILKSCREEN (FINISHED COPPER THICKNESS) Copper thickness 35um word width/word height 9MIL/40MIL 8MIL/35MIL
25 c. ETCHED SILKSCREEN (FINISHED COPPER THICKNESS) Copper thickness 75um word width/word height 12MIL/60MIL 10MIL/50MIL
25 d. ETCHED SILKSCREEN (FINISHED COPPER THICKNESS) Copper thickness 105um word width/word height 16MIL/60MIL 14MIL/50MIL
Outline 26 a. MAXIMUM BOARD THICKNESS Double PCB 3.2MM 4.5MM >4.5MM calculated by 4 layers if the thickness more than 3mm
26 b. MAXIMUM BOARD THICKNESS Multilayer layer board 3.2MM 4.5MM >4.5MM
27 a. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) Single or Double side PCB (pcb prototype) ≥0.3mm 0.25mm
27 b. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) 4L ≥0.60mm 0.40mm <0.40mm
27 c. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) 6L ≥0.9mm 0.70mm <0.70mm
27 d. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) 8L ≥1.20mm 1.00mm <1.00mm
27 e. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) 10L ≥1.40mm 1.20mm <1.20mm
27 f. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) 12L ≥1.70mm 1.50mm <1.50mm
27 g. Minimum board thickness (single and double panel refers to substrate thickness) 14L ≥2.00mm 1.80mm <1.80mm
28 a. thickness (T) tolerance MM (multilayer layer pcb) T≤1.0 ±0.10 Need to review if less than the tolerance If the tolerance is unilateral tolerance, the tolerance shall be double tolerance value, such as: 1.8mm requires positive tolerance, the tolerance shall be 0-0.36mm
28 b. thickness (T) tolerance MM (multilayer layer pcb) 1.0 ±0.13 Need to review if less than the tolerance If the tolerance is unilateral tolerance, the tolerance shall be double tolerance value, such as: 1.8mm requires positive tolerance, the tolerance shall be 0-0.36mm
28 c. thickness (T) tolerance MM (multilayer layer pcb) 1.6 ±0.18 Need to review if less than the tolerance If the tolerance is unilateral tolerance, the tolerance shall be double tolerance value, such as: 1.8mm requires positive tolerance, the tolerance shall be 0-0.36mm
28 d. thickness (T) tolerance MM (multilayer layer pcb) 2.5 ±0.23 Need to review if less than the tolerance If the tolerance is unilateral tolerance, the tolerance shall be double tolerance value, such as: 1.8mm requires positive tolerance, the tolerance shall be 0-0.36mm
28 e. thickness (T) tolerance MM (multilayer layer pcb) T≥3.2 ±8% Need to review if less than the tolerance If the tolerance is unilateral tolerance, the tolerance shall be double tolerance value, such as: 1.8mm requires positive tolerance, the tolerance shall be 0-0.36mm
Categories No. Items Normal process Medium difficulty High difficulty (Non-standard review) High difficulty (Unable to make) Remarks
Outline 29 a. Maximum finished board size Single and double side PCB 508×610mm Beyond this range needs to be reviewed
29 b. Maximum finished board size Multilayer Layer PCB 508×600mm Beyond this range needs to be reviewed
30 Minimum finished pcb size ≥20mm 10mm≤Size<20mm <10mm
31 a. BEVELING FOR GOLD FINGER Bevel angle 20°30°45°60° <20°Or>60°
31 b. BEVELING FOR GOLD FINGER Bevel angle tolerance >±5° ±5° <±5°
31 c. BEVELING FOR GOLD FINGER Bevel depth tolerance tolerance≥±0.15mm ±0.15mm< Tolerance ≤ ±0.1mm tolerance<±0.10mm
32 Shape tolerance tolerance≥±0.15mm ±0.10mm≤tolerance<±0.15mm Tolerance<±0.10mm or more than two form tolerance control
33 a. V-CUT Angle 20°30°45°60°
33 b. V-CUT The Maximum number of V-CUT In 20 times In 30 times In 40 times
33 c. V-CUT Width of the shape 80MM< width <560MM 60MM< width <80MM width <60MM
33 d. V-CUT board thickness 0.6MM≦thickness≦2.4MM 0.5MM≦thickness<0.6MM thickness<0.5MM or thickness>2.4MM below 0.5mm is single-sided V-CUT
33 e. V-CUT Remaining thickness ≥0.25MM <0.25MM
33 f. Conventional V-CUTT、V-CUT: Skip V-CUT
34 a. PANEL SIZE The minimum panel size ≥100*120mm \ <100*120mm The thickness of the finished board is less than 0.4MM, the panel size can’t exceed 14inch, and the maximum size of the HASL PCB can’t exceed 24inch
34 b. PANEL SIZE The Maximum panel size ≤20*24 inch \ Need to review if beyond range The thickness of the finished board is less than 0.4MM, the panel size can’t exceed 14inch, and the maximum size of the HASL PCB can’t exceed 24inc
35 a. Impedance control tolerance ±10%,50Ω and below:±5Ω \ <±10%,50Ω and below <±5Ω
35 b. bow and twist tolerance bow and twist≤0.75% 0.75%≤bow and twist≤0.5% bow and twist<0.5% asymmetry boards bow and twist tolerance 1.2%
36 a. HASL processing capacity component hole diameter hole diameter>0.5mm 0.4mm≤hole diameter≤0.5mm
36 b. HASL processing capacity board thickness 0.5mm≤board thickness≤3.5mm 0.4mm≤board thickness<0.5mm
36 c. HASL processing capacity thickness 2um≤thickness of Tin≤30um
37 Acceptance Criteria IPC standard IPC2 level standard IPC Level 3 standard
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